December 2024
The site contractor is wrapping up the punchlist items for phase 2 horizontal construction. Soon after the punchlist items are complete, power will be pulled to the sewer lift station at the rear of the property. The sewer lift station will be operational.
November 2024
Work is proceeding on water meters and transformer boxes. These items are critical path items to receiving certificates of occupancy on the homes in Holly Anne. Our contractor is maintaining erosion control implementations to ensure compliance with the local storm water management agency. We value conservation and strive to reduce our environmental footprint by abiding by storm water management policies.
October 2024
The model home has been successfully staged showcasing the design and features that will appeal to prospective renters. And with the roadwork completed, Phase 2 is nearing completion, allowing us to move forward with vertical construction so we can increase our inventory and attract more tenants.
September 2024
The roads in phase 2 have been paved and our contractor is wrapping up a few small items prior to receiving approval from the county. We have a security guard on site to monitor for any potential theft or damage, which has been a great deterrent.
August 2024
The subdivision sign was approved and we have contracted with the pool company while we have been working on the Clubhouse plans. In phase 2, the wet utilities were approved and the roads were paved.
July 2024
Numerous bad weather days delayed completion of the road into Phase II, but the county is expected to put us on schedule by August 10th to complete the final step for running the wire to the pump lift station and thereby finalizing the COs for phase I move-ins. Despite hold ups in phase II, our GC managed to reach the 20% completion mark of the clubhouse. The property managers continue to show soon to be ready units for lease.
June 2024
Construction has begun on the Clubhouse and we are starting installation of the SMART technology at the homes (ie doorbells & thermostats). We have approval to stage Lot 105 and have Design renderings that will be used for marketing for both Holly Anne and Angela’s Ridge as the floor plan of Lot 105 is used at both projects. And in other news, Phase 2 has begun horizontal construction!
May 2024
All 30 houses in phase I are finished. We did Blue tape walk throughs on the first four houses and any repairs requested have been completed. The turn lane is complete. We installed videocameras with remote wireless viewing capability on six houses.
We reached agreements to begin phase II and the clubhouse in June. We also lined up a maintenance person. Marketing continues and will pick up now as we have an ETA of August for the issuance of phase I COs.
April 2024
We have Certificates of Occupancy on all but the last 8 homes. These last homes are in various stages of completion with an estimation that they will be done in May. The 12 houses in the cul de sac are the last that need landscaping. The crew is working on getting striping for the turn lane on the schedule. Once our model home has its Certificate of Occupancy, we can get it staged. In the meantime, discussion is ongoing on the staging design. We are negotiating on smart technology package companies for the door knobs and other smart devices for the homes. The contract for the clubhouse was signed and we have received the permit for construction.
March 2024
There have been progress in the first 10 houses this last month. The yards are all put in. Floodlights are going up in strategic places this week. There is a camera and video monitor system that was put in place on lot 100. We also hired security overnight to be on site. Regarding the second 10 houses the exteriors were all finished up 99% and the yards were put in. The flooring has been completed. Painting is also completed and will be finished next week. We have the first 20 houses that will all be completed by the end of next week. Regarding the final 10 houses in March, the driveways were all installed. The exteriors are completely finished on nine of the 10 and 20% done on the last house. Sheet rocking interior is also completed on all 10 of the last 10 houses. The sidewalks were finished for the last 10 houses. We expect the last 10 houses to be completed by the end of April. We have had a lot of interest from the property management company marketing as well.
105 London Calvin Way has been staged as a model home.
February 2024
There has been some exciting progress at Holly Anne in February. Six of the first ten homes are nearing completion. A few are waiting for interior installation of mirrors and closet rods and they will also have doorbells and other smart technology installed soon. A couple just need small detail work such as mirrors, closet rods and small touch ups. The sidewalks are all done down London Calvin Way on the east side and 95% done on the west side.
January 2024
There has been a lot of progress over the past month. Each home has a small cemented patio, The sidewalks and driveways are being framed and ready to be poured. Straw is being put over the grass seed that has been put down and we are starting to see grass appear. Lot 100 is mostly complete with the exception of minor details such as mirrors and closet rods. The initial leasing office will temporarily be in the house located next to future clubhouse.
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